Crypto Forensic Investigations

One of your colleagues has recently suffered from a major scam. You compassionately witness their emotions and thoughts reel as they try to grapple with the consequences. You need someone you can trust to speak with them. A professional to help work out what happened. Doxed Capital, has the sensitivity, compassion and professionalism to produce clear investigative reports that demonstrate flow of funds, timeline of events and any relevant offender information.

Doxed Capital were able to quickly identify what had happened and suggest a way forward. Their detailed investigation of my case and timely follow-up, was exemplary.
I recommend them to anyone who has experienced a large and or complex crypto scam who is looking for private and confidential support with high-quality documentation and reporting.
— name withheld
  • Experiencing a scam is stressful and debilating. We have the compassion to make victims feel heard.

  • Many people who have been scammed prefer to remain private. Doxed has the privacy, confidentiality and respect to honour the wishes of it clients.

  • Scam events happen quickly and without warning, leaving victims confused about what and how it happened. Doxed Capital can assist victims to unravel and document the major events, people and financial flows.

  • Doxed Capital are specialist investigators of crypto scams and are able to track the flow of funds across the world using blockchain explorers.