
Great Presentation.”
Jeff Mansfield, Partner, Addisons Lawyers Sydney

“Interesting and informative in equal measure.”
Laura Hartley, Partner, Addisons Lawyers Sydney

"Very engaging. There were many discussions following it."
Terri Janke, Founder, Terri Janke Lawyers, Sydney

Doxed Capital, designs and facilitates blockchain workshops that can be held in person or online. If you are a business or government agency wishing to keep your staff up to date with an introduction to blockchain, then we can provide this service through our “Blockchain and Crypto” workshop that includes the following topics

1. What is a blockchain

2. What is a cryptocurrency?

3. What is decentralised finance?

4. What is a stablecoin?

5. How is blockchain likely to affect my industry?

6. How do crypto exchanges work?

7. How do crypto wallets work?

8. What are NFTs?

9. What are the different types of NFT use cases?

10. Risks and Safety in Blockchain environments

